Conquering Addiction with Biofeedback Part 2

$199.00 each

Conquering Addiction with Biofeedback
The Physical Cascades and Components

Part 2 - ADDICTIONS Physiology and Chemistry – Who is the True Addict?

By : Deborah-Anne: Drake, PhD, IMD, DHS, MD(Retired), CBS, CBT, CQI, DO(MP), FMT, Ayurved,

Addictive mental patterns may be misinterpreted as human urges, when in fact no human can consume and metabolize more than a certain amount of drugs and alcohol. The human body is designed to maintain and preserve life as it’s foundational program. Other organisms, such as those that produce alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes – like the worm in a tequila bottle, can consume and metabolize these byproducts. So, I ask: Who or what is the addict and what is the driving force?

If addiction were attributable to the visible causes, then current methods for addiction therapy should work. Instead, relapse is common, retention is ineffective, costly therapies are used, and success is low.

The entire picture of addiction has been poorly investigated. Root causes, especially related to the multigenerational miasmas, infections, and biofilm, can dictate the entire addiction cycle. What are the reasons for each symptom? Without addressing the root cause, there is no chance of outrunning the addiction cycle, its personality changes, and mood influences. It’s our job as health practitioners to look for the underlying patterns that reveal the truth and relieve misinterpretation to dissolve this debilitating pattern.

This webinar will review the anatomy and physiology of addiction from a fresh perspective. Encompassing both the biome changes, the impulsivity of mineral depletion, the brain neurotransmitters and Hypothalamus / Gall bladder connection that underlines addictive cravings and relapse. These fermentation byproducts drain on the impulse control minerals (Zinc, Lithium, Copper) that run the Amygdala to release dopamine that governs self-control and addictive behaviours.

This course reviews with fresh eyes the addiction patterns of humans versus parasites. These signals almost always show the degradation of the bio-terrain parameters of voltage in the HPA Adrenal axis, loss of minerals in the grounding from the diuretic effects of drugs and alcohol. Then the loss of minerals disturbs the pH creating acidity, inflammation, low oxygen, poor circulation, and neurological consequences such as depression, psychosis, anxiety, histamine challenges with the inevitable overgrowth of yeast, worms and bacterial invaders.

The Quantum Biofeedback evaluation of the VARHOPE vital signs can point to the rise or fall of the physiology. It can indicate the hidden adulterants, toxicities, organ decline, and pathogenic overgrowth creating improper urges to indulgence. Used correctly, your device is a map to the way home.

Join Adam and:Dr. Deborah-Anne: Drake in addressing the physical components and cascades of addiction with biofeedback. Dr. Deb has been a force in the battle against addiction. Her efforts to shed light on the opium epidemic were met with great resistance. Heretics are often people ahead of their time as time itself often proves them right. Get the opportunity to learn from a true wellness pioneer, learn to better understand how to address addiction with your device. Register today and learn to combat addiction for good!