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Why our Immune System will Fail in Age in a Sedentary Life Style and How to Reverse it.

Why is it more difficult to heal as we age?  Why do our immune systems seem to not have the same ability to combat stress as we get older?  Did you know that your thymus actually shrinks and atrophies after the ripe age of 16 in most people?  Do we have to accept this as a reality that we can’t change or can we do something about it?

Immunosenescence (pronounce: Immuno-SEN-essence) is the weakening and failure of the Immune System in Aging and Sedentary Life.  The Good News – we humans are living a longer and more comfortable life.  The Bad News – increased longevity and less physical challenge is accompanied by a deterioration of our Immune System.  The result is easy illness and poor responses to all forms of therapy and even vaccines.

In this powerful webinar, we will explore the physiology of the weakening Immune System, how to intervene and even reverse the downward cycle of protection that is vital to a healthy and productive life.  How and why our Mitochondria are fueling all immune processes – how and why Inflammation can result in “Inflammaging” (Inflammatory Aging) – how and why regular, controlled “stress” is good for us in the process known as Hormesis – how and why critical nutrients must be consumed on a regular basis.